

American guided-missile destroyer visits Klaipėda Seaport

American guided-missile destroyer visits Klaipėda Seaport

June 20, the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Roosevelt (DDG 80) arrived at Klaipėda Seaport on its second port call this year since January. This time Klaipėda Seaport hosts the guests right after the NATO Summit in Vilnius which the crew has been protecting with its significant contribution to airspace security over the Baltic region.

The Arleigh Burke destroyer is armed with different types of torpedoes, missiles, artillery and machine-gun systems. Two embarked MH-60R Sear Hawk helicopters support destroyer assignments and operations. The ship has a crew of over 300 officers, NCOs and seamen.

The 155-meter long guided-missile destroyer Roosevelt named in the honor of the 32nd President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his wife Eleonor Roosevelt sails at up to 30 knots.

Over the duration of the visit, Commanding Officer Cdr Jeffrey Chewning is planed to meet with Lithuanian Navy Commander Capt (Navy) Giedrius Premeneckas and Mayor of Klaipėda Arvydas Vaitkus, the crew will join the march of the Sea Festival and other events in Klaipėda Friday.