April 12 -14, NORBAL COMPLAN WS 1-11 meeting was held at the Headquarters of the Lithuanian Naval Force. Representatives of Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Polish, German, Danish and Norwegian naval forces took part in the attended the event.
Points of compatibility of naval communications systems and frequencies used by the navies of the represented countries were discussed in the meeting. NORBAL COMPLAN WS 1-11 also agreed on employment of coastal stations and NATO retranslation stations, addressed the need for relevant publications and their updating. The meeting delegates debated compatibility of the communications plan with other NATO communications plans, shared experience of organisation of naval training events, etc.
Members of NORBAL COMPLAN WS 1-11 visited LNF Communications Centre, Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre and Naval Force Command Centre. The guests also observed Vidar class N42 „Jotvingis", Hunt class M54 „Kuršis"and Flyvefisken class P-11 ,,Žemaitis" vessels at the Naval Flotilla and familiarised with their communications systems.
During the meeting chairmanship of NORBAL COMPLAN WS 1-11 was handed over from Germany to Denmark.
Lithuania has been attending meetings of work groups in Nordic-Baltic format since 2006. This year meeting was held on the initiative of the Lithuanian Naval Force. NORBAL COMPLAN WS 1-11 will meet biannually.
CIMIC Representative, Lithuanian Naval Force, Lt (N) Antanas Brencius, office phone 00370 46 391 207, mobile 00370 698 18 196.