

Biggest military exercise in Lithuania this year "Amber Hope 2011" approaching

Biggest military exercise in Lithuania this year "Amber Hope 2011" approaching

"Amber Hope 2011", the biggest multinational military exercise Lithuania will host this year, will begin on June 13. Almost 2200 military servicemembers and civilians from nine NATO and NATO partner countries - Canada, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Norway, Poland, USA and Lithuania - will take part in the exercise which will be conducted in two separate locations in Lithuania - Pabradės Training Area and Lithuania's territorial waters in the Baltic Sea.


The aim of the exercise is to improve interoperability among military units of NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) countries with the view of conducting NATO-led crisis response operations and to enhance military cooperation. "Amber Hope 2011" will also be a great opportunity to test and improve Lithuania's preparation to provide Host Nation Support (HNS) for incoming forces.


"Amber Hope 2011" will be conducted on the basis of a fictitious peace support operation (as a type of crisis response operation) scenario tailored to meet the exercise training objectives. The exercise scenario was developed with regard to the most recent challenges and experience that Lithuanian and partner nations' soldiers have gained in multinational operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia.


Lithuania has been organising the multinational military exercise "Amber Hope" since 1995. The exercise grew in scope and in numbers of participants ever since. Last exercise "Amber Hope" was conducted in 2007 in Klaipėda.


The exercise "Amber Hope 2011" where all branches of Lithuanian Armed Forces - Land Force, Air Force, Navy and Special Operation Forces - will be represented was planned by Joint Headquarters of Lithuanian Armed Forces.

Note for media:

Contact person for the media - Captain Mindaugas Neimontas, head of media operations section during the exercise "Amber Hope 2011", mobile phone. +370 640 45 380, mindaugas.neimontas@mil.lt

Media representatives are encouraged to visit the exercise area at Pabradė (app. 60 km. from Vilnius) at any time agreed. Journalists will have the possibility to meet participants of the exercise, familiarize with their training and living conditions, observe the exercise.


On June 22 Distinguished Visitors and Media day of the exercise will be held at Pabradės Training Area.

International journalists willing to observe the exercise should register and agree on arrival time with Captain Mindaugas Neimontas, head of media operations section during the exercise "Amber Hope 2011", mobile phone. +370 640 45 380, mindaugas.neimontas@mil.lt


Foreign media representatives should additionally receive temporary permit (accreditation) from the Public Relations Department of the Ministry National of Defence of the Republic of Lithuania. To receive the permit media representatives should address Public Relations Department not later that one week before the visit to the exercise area at: + 370 5 2785 208 or email. vis@kam.lt and provide necessary documents for the accreditation. The list of documents and forms of clearance can be found at http://www.kam.lt/en/new.html/

Picture by G. Tiška (MoND photo archive).