

Chief of Defence will attend meetings of the EU and NATO Military Committees

Chief of Defence will attend meetings of the EU and NATO Military Committees

May 3-6, in Brussels (Belgium) Chief of Defence of Lithuania Maj Gen Arvydas Pocius will attend the meeting of the European Union's Military Committee which will be followed by the meeting of the NATO Military Committee.


The EU session will take one day to cover the spectrum of the EU-led operations: Operation ALTHEA in Bosnia and Herzegovina, military operation EUFOR Libya in support of humanitarian assistance operations, naval operation off the Somali coast ATALANTA and the EU Training Mission in Somalia (EUTM Somalia). Lithuania has deployed one officer to Operation ATALANATA and one to EUFOR Libya command.


During the successive two days Chiefs of Defence of NATO members and partner states will discuss military operations the Alliance is conducting in Afghanistan, Libya, Kosovo and Iraq as well as current points of NATO training and mentoring missions in the meeting of the NATO Military Committee.


Meeting for the first time after launching Operation „Unified Protector" in Libya NATO countries' Chiefs of Defence will estimate its proceeding. Top ranking military leaders of NATO countries will also address the transfer of responsibility for security in Afghanistan from the International Security Assistance Force to Afghan Government, and long-term perspectives of the country.


The EU Military Committee is the highest military institution of the European Union made up of the Chiefs of Defence of the EU member countries. The Committee has been in force since 2001 leading military actions of the EU, rendering military advice to the EU Political and Security Committee in charge of common Foreign and Security Policy of the Union.


The NATO Military Committee is the highest military command structure in NATO subordinate to the North Atlantic Council, Defence Planning Committee and Nuclear Planning Group. The NATO Military Committee passes strategic decisions and forms military advice to the North Atlantic Council as a basis for its subsequent political decisions. The day-to-day work is done during sessions by the Military Representatives of NATO member countries.

Spokesperson to the Chief of Defence Capt Tomas Balkus, phone 00370 5 278 5091, mobile 00370 682 25359