

Deputy Chief of Staff Plans Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum paid a visit to Lithuania

Deputy Chief of Staff Plans Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum paid a visit to Lithuania

On May 15 - 17 the Deputy Chief of Staff Plans of the Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFC-BS) Major General Mark Pullan is conducting a visit to Lithuania.

The guests and his delegation were briefed on the security situation of Lithuania and the Baltic states and potential threats, and discussed operational aspects of it. Later the visit proceeded to an aerial terrain inspection aboard a Lithuanian Air Force AS365 Dauphin helicopter. The flight was conducted over the southern and central regions of Lithuania and its western border with Kaliningrad – critical areas for Allied operations in the region.

The flyover was followed by a ground terrain assessment and evaluation of possible hostile approach lanes from atop Mount Rambynas and Panemunė Border Control Post in Tauragė district. General Pullan noted in the course of the analysis the importance of area data and the specificity of the border area with Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast) for operation conduct.

NATO militaries complete area reconnaissance to improve awareness of the planned of potential operational terrains and in order to carry out battlefield reconnaissance evaluations. Reconnaissance can be done on a map, by employing orthophotography, satellite imagery, on site or by aerial means. The procedure makes planning and conduct of military operations more simple and clearer.

Photo and info credits: Defence Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces