

Fallen, but not forgotten...

Fallen, but not forgotten...


German Air force NATO QRA detachment took care of two German soldiers' graves from World War 2. Graves are located in village Grimziai, which is in Kelmė district, around 30 min of driving from Šiauliai city. Graves are of several unknown soldiers. It was touchy for NATO soldiers to see that during many years local people did not forgot the places of fallen soldiers burial, even more, locals erected crosses made by themselves, during these decades took care of graves.


GER AF contingent has done new crosses, fixed the graves. They promised to check if these graves are known for proper assosiations, which are taking care of missing soldiers, unknown graves




On the 19th of April GER AF soldiers have put new crosses. To contribute the respect to fallen countrymen by commander LTC Rupert Ficker-Reiβing everyone was called to observe minute of silence.




 Alvydas Tamošiūnas