

Lithuanian and Czech Chiefs of Defence agreed on continued cooperation

Lithuanian and Czech Chiefs of Defence agreed on continued cooperation

On February 1 Chief of Defence Lt Gen Valdemaras Rupšys had a meeting with Chief of Defence of the Czech Republic Maj Gen Karel Řehka. The CHODs discussed the bilateral military cooperation, Czech contribution to NATO deterrence and defence, join training in international exercises, training opportunities presented to Lithuanian troops by the cooperation with the Czech Armed Forces and further plans concerning assistance to Ukraine and Ukrainian troop training missions.

“I thanked Czech Chief of Defence for the Czech force contribution to the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battalion Battle Group in Lithuania and the NATO Air Policing Mission in the Baltic states. It is a direct contribution to the security of Lithuania and the region. I also highly appreciate the opportunity the Lithuanian military get to improve their skills with the IFV simulation system at Vyskov and the continuous exchange of experience at air defence unit level. We have agreed to expand the cooperation on CBRN through participation in collective defence training exercises in the Czech Republic and preparation of military personnel for CBNR reconnaissance and work with chemical samples,” Chief of Defence of Lithuania said.

Czech Chief of Defence is on a visit in Lithuania with the delegation of the Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic. They have visited the Lithuanian Great Hetman Jonušas Radvila Training Regiment where they were welcomed by Chief of Staff of the Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf Lt Col Darius Kisielius, Commander of the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battalion Battle Group Lithuania Lt Col Marco Maulbecker and Commander of the Czech Contingent in Lithuania Maj Vilém Čejka. The delegation also met with the Czech troops serving with the NATO eFP BG Lithuania and viewed the Allied equipment.

Lithuania and the Czech Republic are bound by intense bilateral military ties, both countries are members of NATO and support security at home and across the Alliance. Since 2018 military personnel of the Czech Republic have been rotating in to man the NATO eFP BG and JAS 39C Gripen fighter aircraft of the Czech Air Force are conducting the Baltic Air Policing Mission from the Lithuanian Air Force Base in Šiauliai.

Lithuanian and Czech troops train side by side as Allies in joint training exercises and other military events. Air forces of both countries cooperate closely as well: air personnel annually meet to train in Tobruq Legacy, Ample Strike, and other exercises. In EU cooperation frameworks, Lithuania has adhered to the Czech-initiated PESCO project for Electronic Warfare Capability and Interoperability Programme.

Photo credit: Sgt Mantautas Patašius | Lithuanian Armed Forces