

Patrol Ships Division conduct training „White Dove 2011" in the Baltic Sea

Patrol Ships Division conduct training „White Dove 2011" in the Baltic Sea

April 19-21, Patrol Ships Division of Naval Flotilla of the Lithuanian Naval Force conduct naval operations training „White Dove 2011" in Lithuania's territorial waters and exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea.


Patrol ships P11 „Žemaitis", P12 ,,Dzūkas", P14 ,,Aukštaitis" and P32 „Sėlis" and MI-8 of the Lithuanian Air Force take part in the exercise.


During the training a range of procedures will be drilled and refined, such as naval maneuvering in formations, naval artillery cannon firing, anti-aircraft defence, surface battle, logistic at-sea support, and others. Troops train preventing fire and water from disabling the ship. The exercise scenario also includes assistance to other ships tasks and cooperation with helicopters training.


Information by LNF


Picture source: archive