

The 2nd rotation of the Police Mentoring and Liaison Team trains for deployment to Afghanistan

The 2nd rotation of the Police Mentoring and Liaison Team trains for deployment to Afghanistan

April 12-14, the 2nd rotation of the Police Mentoring and Liaison Team (POMLT-2) undergoes certification exercise before the mission in Afghanistan in Pabrad4 Training Area.


Staff of POMLT-2 includes 8 Lithuanian troops and 12 military members of the Pennsylvania National Guard, and officers of the Public Security Service under the Ministry of the Interior of Lithuania. POMLT-2 will be commanded by a Lithuanian Military Police officer Maj Saulius Gurauskas.


The second shift of POMLT will replace POMLT-1 currently in charge of the mission in Ghor province, Afghanistan, in the beginning of May.


POMLT training mission is aimed at rendering assistance for Afghan National Police Forces in fulfilling their tasks and independently ensuring security in the province.


The first shift of POMLT compiled a training plan and conducted training of local policemen on a basis of evaluation of the requirements for the Afghan National Police and their readiness and competence level. Local policemen acquire kills of patrolling, vehicle and person search, detention of persons, installation of check-posts, and verification procedures and actions upon detecting an explosive device. Courses on first delivering medical aid, self-defence, riot suppression techniques, and application of human rights in police activities were also organised.


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